Joeingram1 Wins 40,000 Word Poker Book Prop Bet

7 years ago
ChicagoJoey Wins 40,000 Word Poker Book Prop Bet
02 Feb

We all know that poker players love their prop bets, with weird and wonderful ideas such as one man getting breast implants to living for a month in a casino bathroom, so ‘Chicago’ Joey Ingram’s latest one might seem at first to be rather easy…

Well, of course people will watch, because ChicagoJoey has become a star of the poker podcast world, streaming interviews with the game’s most interesting players – but 40K words in 10 days? An entire poker book without a proper break? That’s a big ask!

Ingram’s writing plans even spawned a tweet from ‘Doug Bilzerian’, a troll Twitter account featuring a heavily-bearded Doug Polk betting against Joey on the new Mike ‘Timex’ McDonaldPokerShares site.

Illiterate? Well, we’ll get to that in due course, but Ingram was trying his best to be upbeat about the forthcoming writing-fest, posting a short video from Starbuck’s…

Halfway in, and Joey was struggling. He knew he had a ‘bestseller on his hands, but boy was the writer’s cramp getting to him!

Updates on progress are all well and good, but what exactly was he including in his ‘10-day poker course’?

Well he promised knowledge, humor, love and various other tasty tidbits from his outlook on the game, and promised something for pretty much the entire poker community (well, me at least!) when he tweeted…

Eventually, much to the mock chagrin of his detractors, he’d hit the magic mark but – as many writers find – he had to piece it all together into one big readable book!

Now, prop bets usually have a financial aspect to them, but if so there was little forthcoming about money in his updates, but let’s read between the lines a bit…

…Joey’s prop bet was against Jonathan Bales… and Bales, apart from being the co-founder of Fantasy Labs, describes himself as ‘Author of Fantasy Sports for Smart People books.’

Aha! So maybe, just maybe, we’ll see Ingram’s literary effort in print without costing the podcast legend a single cent?

In any event, what about his illiteracy? Well Chicago Joey is a smart guy and can doubtless string some words together but… as Bales pointed out when he conceded defeat…

Yep! Our maestro got the very first word of the title wrong!

“Lol how do I put a typo in the title?” Ingram tweeted at himself, before adding the poker player mantra, “Fuck it, at this point I will roll with Chasting”, much to the delight of his many followers.

Even Bales was amused at the typo, tweeting:

"@Joeingram1 I was so close to requesting a "must spell title correctly" clause, too!”

Adding a shout out to those who helped with the poker tome…

…Joey promised fans there’d be several versions of the book available: “Hard copy will be out in about a week. Audio version sometime in the future. Ebook over the next day or two,” he tweeted, and with that the latest in a long line of poker authors was born!

Twitter has a lot to answer for in the Modern Age, but it also goes to show that it can result in something pretty damned good too!

Articles 2284

Andrew from Edinburgh, Scotland, is a professional journalist, international-titled chess master, and avid poker player.Read more


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