Alec Torelli: Morning Rituals For A Productive Day

7 years ago
Morning Rituals For A Productive Day
30 Jan


Plenty of ink has been spilled over how best to play the actual game of poker better, what sized bet to throw out when, what sort of players you should bluff in what sort of spot, how to review your stats and moves. Far less has been put in print about the stuff you can do to improve your life as a poker player, and about getting into the right head space for a good day at the tables. There are a few big name players who insist on the importance of physical fitness or on meditation but very little serious coaching is given over to living the Good Poker Life.

Alec Torelli is taking a stab at correcting that. Over on his YouTube channel he’s put up a video dealing with starting the day right. Clearly he buys into the often misattributed Will Durant quotation: ‘We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act, but a habit,’ because his approach is all about setting up a chain of good habits.

He has a list of things he tries to do as many of as possible every morning and while he does give us the list, his first point is about experimenting for yourself. Always be trying out new things and seeing what works for you.

His actual list includes some things that probably aren’t going to go over with everyone – like drinking a glass of hot water with lemon and turmeric in it or starting the day with a cold shower.

Other things on his list are probably great ideas for most people if you can get up early enough or find the time: exercise, meditate, making one’s bed (to start the day with one success right off the bat).

He also stresses the need for preparation, working out your to do list. He opts to put the easiest thing first slot, and the most important thing in the second, also allowing for ‘if time’, with tasks he can do if he finishes his main goals early.

One thing he recommends – doing calls while driving – triggers my road safety sense, but you can’t fault the efficiency of it. He also recommends including at least one thing you are looking forward to every day.

Then end each day prepping for the morning, set an alarm, and get to bed on time. Get a good night’s sleep and do it all over again.

Seems worth a shot. Even if it doesn’t improve your game, you might just end up improving yourself.

What are your morning routines for a successful poker day? let us know in comments.

Articles 283

Jon is a freelance writer and novelist who learned to play poker after watching Rounders in year 9. He has been giving away his beer money at cards ever since. Currently he is based in Bristol where he makes sporadic donations to the occasional live tournament or drunken late night Zoom session. He ...Read more


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